My name is Virgie Tovar. I'm a 250 pound woman who decided to stop dieting because I wanted to stop waiting & start living. This is my life now. I want to prove to you that you are more than a number on a scale. I want to invite you to Lose Hate Not Weight.
Hey ABUNDIANS! I want to extend an extra special babely welcome and invitation to continue the work that we started together this weekend into November and December! I want to invite you to Lose Hate Not Weight BABECAMP, my signature 30 day virtual intensive! Lose Hate Not Weight VIRTUAL BABECAMP - November 17 - December 16, 2014 A virtual 30-day intensive course designed by acclaimed body image expert, lecturer and author, Virgie Tovar, to change the way you think about and relate to your body
Why I Designed Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp I travel around the country lecturing at universities about the harmful effects of dieting culture and fat shaming. We live in a culture in which most children would rather lose an arm than be fat. We live in a culture in which people live out their entire lives waiting to lose enough weight to wear a bathing suit or dance in public. We live in a culture where calorie-counting and low self-worth are normal parts of our daily lives. These things make us crazy and they make us miserable.
Lose Hate Not Weight is the philosophy that guides my life and and my work. LHNW seeks to de-center self-hatred - or the "I am never good enough" mindset, a learned ideology that is false - as a central motivator in people's lives and re-center self-care and self-love, our native relationship to our body.
I remember the day I decided to stop dieting. I had been calorically restricting and exercising about three hours a day. I had been losing weight, getting lots of cute dates, and fitting into smaller and smaller clothes. Even though I was feeling like pretty hot shit, I just knew something wasn't right. I sat down one day and asked myself:
1 year? No.
5 years? No.
10 years? No.
And I kept going like that until I reached the end of my life and I realized that was the answer. I could never stop dieting, obsessing about calories, refusing myself cake or ice cream or steak or even friggin’ salad dressing because if I did those things, my body might “rebel.” I might gain weight and to me, at that time, that would have meant my life was totally worthless. Even though I’d been beaten down by years of being told that the ONLY path to love, success and beauty was through weight loss, I knew deep down that it was a lie. I knew deep down that I deserved better.
I created Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp because I have walked a mile in a different pair of (much shinier) shoes. I not only believe it is every person’s right to have a harmonious relationship with their body, I go a step beyond that. I believe in every person’s right to feel fabulous, hot and full of life.
I also created Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp because I charge $1000 an hour for my lectures, and I wanted to create something that was even more effective and personal for a smaller price.
So What Exactly is Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp? Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp is a 30-day intensive, online-based program that includes:
Weekly LIVE 30 minute lectures Lectures will be offered weekly on Sundays at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. That's 4 original lectures written and delivered by me for you.
Daily ACTION emails For 30 days, every morning you will wake up to the email equivalent of a buttery and insightful croissant. Each email will give you two things: (1) an introduction to a person, book, idea or recipe that you NEED to know about and (2) an action item to be completed by 11:59pm that day. Action items are 5-10 minute activities designed to change the way you engage with your body and include things like weekly selfie assignments, reflective writing, and mindfulness practices.
Weekly Deep Journaling Prompts I will assign you a lengthier 1-2 page journal prompt at the beginning of each week that will be due at the end of the week in my inbox. I will personally read and offer affirmative feedback to your response.
Teleconferenced LIVE open mic On December 16 participants will be asked to share one of their reflection pieces or journal entries with other students during a live virtual open mic.
BONUS Optional guest lectures and virtual readings from AMAZING people like:
Jes Baker of The Militant Baker
Dr. Kjerstin Gruys - Author of Mirror, Mirror Off the Wall
Rachel Marcus - Body Positive Personal Trainer
Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp is broken up into 4 modules:
What is Dieting Culture & Why It's EFFING Ruining Your Life
Understanding that Hate Isn’t Real, Fun or Sustainable
Adopting Self-Love as a Practice
Accepting Your Destiny as a Mega Babe
Each week’s action emails and journal prompts are constructed around a promise I will ask you to make to yourself.
Fore a comprehensive calendar look at the Lose Hate Not Weight Calendar download this PDF:
Why Register for the Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp Now?
You deserve to stop waiting and start living a life of righteous babehood right NOW.
While learning that dieting is not the path to love, beauty or freedom, you will explore new ways of relating to your body.
You will have a funny expert/author/smarty pants taking you by the hand through a truly powerful experience.
Lose Hate Not Weight Bootcamp will change the way you think but it won’t take over your life. I’ve specifically designed this program for people with busy lives who are committed to changing how they relate to their body.
Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp Tuition
Tuition for LHNW Babecamp is $299 but ABUNDIA ATTENDEES who sign up during Abundia Weekend pay $249!
Is Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp for Me? Here’s a simple equation you can use to help you calculate whether this is a worthwhile investment for you:
Enter your personal hourly rate (what your time is worth to you in a dollar amount). I’m mandating a $20 minimum!
(1) $ _______
Enter the estimated total number of hours you spend hating on yourself per month. In an average month, how many hours do you spend criticizing yourself, staring at yourself in the mirror and tearing apart what you see, counting calories, feeling guilt about something you've eaten, dodging picture time, etc.?
(2) Hours: ________
Multiply: (1) x (2) = TOTAL $____________
This total is how much you are investing in self-hate every month.
If it’s less than or equal to $299 then you have permission to leave this page and go get yourself a martini! If it is greater than $299 then I really, really want you in my Lose Hate Not Weight Babecamp.
Hey ABUNDIA attendees! Guess what? You get $50 off regular tuition!